P: 281-235-5566   F: 281-966-1884

Accredited Land Consultant

web_ALC-logo-horizontal1Land transactions require specialized knowledge of land. It’s a small word for a complex asset. Farm land, ranch land, recreational land, commercial land, timber land, mining land, vineyards, retreats, building sites, hunting land, vacant land, transitional land, waterfront, valleys, mountains, prairies, open ranges — they’re all land assets. Every type of land comes with its own list of challenges and opportunities.

Land buyers and investors need more than a licensed real estate professional, they need a land sales expert — one who understands the intricacies of the asset, one who has extensive transaction-based experience, and one who can provide the right kind of guidance to achieve investment objectives.

An ACCREDITED LAND CONSULTANT (ALC) is the best resource for a seamless and satisfying land purchase.

What can an Accredited Land Consultant do for you?

  • Sell your property by leveraging the highest level of professional knowledge, commitment, passion, and creative marketing
  • Locate your ideal property through unparalleled market information and an unrivaled peer network
  • Provide creative insights and recommendations regarding the highest and best use of your land property
  • Structure deals, including tax deferred exchanges, to achieve the tax and subsidy benefits you desire
  • Provide the most current and relevant data regarding land parcels, from soil and crop information to demographics and aerial photography
  • Create problem-solving strategies when you face a land asset challenge, from site selection to land assemblage
  • Explore investment opportunities and options dependent upon your land purchase objectives
  • Ensure that your land transaction aligns with current laws and regulations that affect the sale and purchase of land
  • Achieve the maximum return on your investment
  • Deliver professional transaction services with integrity, enthusiasm, and superior service
  • Before undertaking a search for land or placing a land parcel on the market, engage the services of an Accredited Land Consultant

Minor Taylor ALC, CIPS
Taylor Land Investments
Accredited Land Consultant (ALC)
Certified International Property Specialist (CIPS)